Tuesday, February 15, 2011


For those of you that may still check this blog from time to time, we are going to put it on hold until after the wedding BUT we will be filling you in on wedding plans at our wedding website here: http://www.mywedding.com/danielandmichellepescovitz.

Please check the wedding website from now on! 

(After we are married, I am trying to convince Dan to start another blog about our life as "Mr and Mrs Pescovitz" because I know how you all love his writing...fingers crossed!!)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


So Dan keeps saying he is going to blog again soon...we will see. Until then, here are some pictures (for those of you who don't have Facebook)!
See you all soon :)


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stress and Sunrises.

Wow! We are getting really bad at keeping you updated on our California adventures...sorry about that.
As Dan said last time, we have both been very busy with work but I know that is not a good excuse!

Some of you may know that, instead of a wonderful class of little kindergarten-2nd grade students with Autism, I am teaching a hellacious group of misbehaving 2nd-5th graders with Autism and other behavioral disabilities this year. My classroom is a incredibly chaotic and anxiety provoking place to be and sometimes makes me wonder why I became a teacher..... After several weeks of being incredibly stressed out (a couple of breakdowns included) because of my job, I have realized that the best part of my job is the drive to work each morning (sad, but true). Not only is this a time where I am able to talk to family, thanks to the time difference, but it is also the most beautiful sunrise over the hills of California. Each day, I am motivated to wake up and get going for work in anticipation of what the morning sun will show me because it is different and somehow more beautiful each day. After attempting (and failing) to take pictures of this while driving, I have seriously considered hiring someone to wake up and ride to work with me to capture it in a picture but realized that, even then, it is not the same as seeing it in person. If you visit us and are willing to wake up before the sun, I would love to take you on the drive!!
In addition to my incredible commute each morning, I am also motivated by my amazing finance and his "pep talks" each evening on how everything will be ok (well, not always that optimistic, but still motivational). Also, each weekend I enjoy every minute I have to relax, from 2:30pm Friday to 5am Monday morning, which also helps the weeks go by.
On another note, some of you may not know, but I am starting to work on my masters degree through a program offered through my school district!!! This is a 3 year program and when it is over I will have my "Masters of Teaching Instruction".  The first "class" is this Saturday and I am really excited to be the student again instead of the teacher...wish me luck!

Until next time, I will try to remember the song I always sing to Dan when he is acting like Eeyore:
"Be optimistic, don't 'cha be a grumpy...when the road gets bumpy, just SMILE SMILE SMILE!"

Love, and counting down until we see you again!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oh my...it HAS been a while...

Welcome back friends, we haven't forgotten about you! We have been incredibly busy lately, so allow me to take a moment to fill you in. Let's see, since I've been here last, we have had our first visiter to the area, my brother Josh. We had a great time seeing the sights, seeing a great concert, and eating an absurd amount of great food and indulging in drink from a local (read two blocks from our apartment) winery. I have also found myself a job! Yes, I am officially gainfully employed and attempting to make the transition into the "working" world.
For those of you who don't know, I am working for BigTray.com, a restaurant supply company. I am doing logistics/customer support for them. Exciting? Not really, but I am finally feeling like I am serving a purpose out here. I also have weekends off (effing awesome) to do whatever it is that I please. The office is filled with people who used to work in the restaurant industry as chefs, cooks, servers, etc., a very fun, welcoming, friendly crowd.
I have been getting to work at 7:30 am which I never ever thought would be possible for me, those who know me and my sleeping/staying up late habits know exactly what I'm talking about here. My office is only about twelve miles from our place, but due to the traffic, it takes about 35-45 minutes to actually get there. Every day, I have to drive over the bay bridge, which is something I have had to get used to, especially in traffic. It is somewhat unnerving to be in relatively slow moving traffic over the San Francisco bay for six miles or so. Once you are on the bridge, you are on until you arrive in the city more or less. Once again, definitely took some getting used to, but lately I've come to realize that if the thunder doesn't get you than the lightning will. Plus, if I have to be stuck in traffic, sitting watching the sun rise over the golden gate bridge is a pretty kick ass place to be.
In other news, this weekend, we are planning on going to Santa Cruz to check out a potential wedding venue. Pema Osel Ling is somewhat of a Buddhist retreat "zen" center if you will in the Santa Cruz mountains. They have a Redwood Amphitheater there, that looks like an absolutely amazing place to start our lives together "officially". We will definitely take some pictures of the venue and keep you all posted as things continue to develop here.

Until then, keep us posted on what is going on in your lives! We love and miss you all, and can't wait to hear from you and see you all soon!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We know, we know.

It has been awhile since we've updated this...Dan is going to blog this weekend! We have BOTH been busy with our jobs...yes, he got a job!!
Just a little preview; we are going to look at a wedding venue this weekend!

More soon, we have not forgotten you. xoxo

Monday, September 6, 2010

The first week.

First of all, I have to confirm from Dan's last post that I couldn't be happier! This was the first week of being engaged to the most wonderful man ever and, although it was also my first full week at school, it has been absolutely amazing! We spent the first few days of the week on the phone spreading the news so we didn't get to enjoy the little time we had together until the end of the week but it was worth it because I have received the best welcome from Dan's family and could not be more thankful.
I finally had 3 days off this weekend and it was nice to not have plans (although we missed the trip to Crater Lake to see my brother and Angela) because we were able to explore our area a little more, just like we did when we first moved out here. Our exploring has also gotten a little more productive to our health because we have been doing most of it on bikes!!! It really provides a completely different view and gives me a better appreciation of how wonderful this state really is.
Anyway, back to the engagement! I know everyone is impatient and wants to know when/where and how this is all going to pan out...well too bad. We are still working on setting a date and will let all of you know as soon as we get it. I will let you know, though, we have started looking at venues, colors, honeymoon spots, and all of the other good stuff and I can assure you it will be nothing short of perfect! I can hardly wait to officially be a part of the Pescovitz and Eagle families and, most of all, spend the rest of my life with Daniel.

On a side note...I have finally posted some long awaited pictures and also figured out how to read your comments so please leave some :)

Love love love you all!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Big Big news...

One of my favorite things my mom used to say while my brother and i were growing up was, "You must be growing up under a rock". This was a question usually posed to my little brother, an inquiry as to why it was that he was so pale in complexion. Other notable mother quotes and insults that were directed our way were frequently calling my brother and I vikings, savages, saying that something or someone was dumber than a box of rocks, I once heard her say fuck a duck which I got a pretty good kick out of, and once while I was lollygagging (another favorite of hers) during my freshman year leaf collection, I was even referred to as a "dildo". Yeah, I know. Anyway, while the expression, growing up/living under a rock was typically directed at my brother for being pale, it can also be used to describe someone who hasn't heard about our latest development.
What is going on in our lives right now you ask? Well, we have been going on lots of wonderful bike rides along the bay, and we have been teaching bailey to "say please" when she wants us to throw her ball. Pretty exciting right???? Well, thats not the BIG news. Those are all recent developments, but I suppose what you all want to hear about is that Michelle and i are now engaged! We haven't set a date yet, but the wedding will most likely take place within the time frame of June 1, 2011 and August 28, 2026.
All kidding aside, we really couldn't be happier. Well, I know that I couldn't be happier. I don't want to put words in Michelle's mouth, after all, this relationship is a two way street and she is entitled to an opinion on the subject as well.
For those of you that don't know the story, I will give you the cliff's notes: I asked and she responded with a resounding yes. End. If you want a little more detail, which I would think you would, here is that version. On Sunday August 29th, Michelle and I picked up some sandwiches and a bottle of wine and drove up to Inspiration Point in Tilden Regional Park, right behind Berkeley. We arrived at Inspiration Point had our sandwiches and a glass of wine before we took off on our evening hike. We had been remembering the early days of our relationship as it had been just over three years since we first met. We walked along the trail for a while before finding a "suitable" location to sit and take in the sunset and scenery. We were staring off into the distance with the Golden Gate Bridge and the city of San Francisco perfectly in view. As the sun started to descend, it lit up the sky a brilliant orange with shades of purple and blue on top of Mt. Tamalpais to the right of the bridge. Time for me was running out as Michelle was getting cold, and she had to get up early for work the following morning. Realizing that I didn't have much time to bullshit around, I had to capitalize on the situation, pulled out the ring and dropped to one knee: cue the waterworks. She was totally taken by surprise and much to my surprise ; ) she said yes! It was hands down the most romantic experience I have ever been involved with in my entire life.
Our families and friends have been so supportive and wonderful over the past few days, and we would just like to take a moment and thank all of you for your support.

We love and miss you all!